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G Sound at the Phrase Level

To help your student practice the G sound, here are 20 phrases with G in the INITIAL, MEDIAL, and FINAL positions.

20 phrases with G in the INITIAL position.

1. the scary ghost

2. wood garden gate

3. pretty red gown

4. the soccer goal

5. long necked goose

6. some fresh garlic

7. giant black gorilla

8. new board game

9. big wooden gazebo

10. sticks of gum

11. bars of gold

12. too much garbage

13. cute little girl

14. blue eyed gecko

15. game of golf

16. little white goat

17. my new guitar

18. the swimming goggles

19. my birthday gift

20. the white gauze

20 phrases with G in the MEDIAL position.

1. the growling cougar

2. ice cold igloo

3. the brown kangaroo

4. the bumpy alligator

5. plate of spaghetti

6. large wild tiger

7. creamy pink yogurt

8. the happy juggler

9. proud bald eagle

10. silver musical triangle

11. red metal wagon

12. the small target

13. old wooden organ

14. red cooking vinegar

15. a tasty cheeseburger

16. a blueberry bagel

17. my favorite magazine

18. cute green dragon

19. bowl of sugar

20. our new luggage

20 phrases with G in the FINAL position.

1. pretty area rug

2. my pet hedgehog

3. comfy red beanbag

4. dress up wig

5. cute black dog

6. very slow slug

7. the water jug

8. cut wood log

9. little pink pig

10. blue coffee mug

11. shiny green bug

12. one brown egg

13. red ketchup zigzag

14. purple gift bag

15. small brown twig

16. pretty little ladybug

17. the American flag

18. big mouth frog

19. a red clog

20. freshly picked fig

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