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S Sound at the Phrase Level

To help your student practice the S sound, here are 20 phrases with S in the INITIAL, MEDIAL, and FINAL positions.

20 phrases with S in the INITIAL position. 1. her new sandals

2. new wood saw

3. green comfy sofa

4. cracked open safe

5. white table salt

6. warm summer sun

7. my colorful socks

8. orange fizzy soda

9. little toy sailboat

10. hot tomato soup

11. blue number seven

12. see the seal

13. yummy sunflower seeds

14. dry desert sand

15. her red suitcase

16. healthy green salad

17. shiny clean sink

18. red safety scissors

19. bubbly bath soap

20. brown potato sack

20 phrases with S in the MEDIAL position.

1. loud sounding whistle

2. newly sharpened pencil

3. super fun seesaw

4. big pink eraser

5. fresh red lobster

6. cute soft hamster

7. rose colored glasses

8. fast black motorcycle

9. tall brown dresser

10. frozen purple popsicle

11. new blue bicycle

12. tall sand castle

13. full picnic basket

14. new white baseball

15. blue baby pacifier

16. plastic toy dinosaur

17. pretty fairy princess

18. jumpy green grasshopper

19. a tricky unicycle

20. cute beaded bracelet

20 phrases with S in the FINAL position.

1. crispy potato chips

2. very prickly cactus

3. leafy green lettuce

4. big slimy octopus

5. pretty heart necklace

6. fluffy white rice

7. big pink purse

8. little doll house

9. pretty white horse

10. fancy purple dress

11. see the compass

12. yellow school bus

13. red game dice

14. green flower vase

15. new dental floss

16. game of chess

17. tiny grey mouse

18. play some tennis

19. one walking goose

20. tall green grass

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