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Story Champs: Story 14 Side A and B

Box 1: Once, Michelle cautiously went to the dentist office. The dentist examined her teeth.

Box 2: He looked closely and said, "You need to have some small cavities filled."

Box 3: Michelle felt miserable because she needed to have some of her teeth fixed.

Box 4: Then she brushed and flossed her teeth two times every day. When Michelle went back to the dentist, Michelle's teeth were immaculate and healthy.

Box 5: Her teeth were very clean. She didn't have one cavity because she took care of her teeth.

Box 1: Once, Michelle tentatively went to the dentist office. She wasn't sure what was going to happen.

Box 2: The dentist surveyed her teeth and said, "You have pretty teeth, but you have some cavities."

Box 3: Michelle felt miserable because she needed to have her teeth fixed.

Box 4: Then Michelle resolved to take better care of her teeth. She said to the dentist, "I promise I'll do better at brushing my teeth." After she left the dentist, she faithfully brushed and flossed her teeth two times every day because she wanted to keep them clean.

Box 5: When Michelle went back to her dentist Michelle's teeth that used to be dirty were radiant. Then she was ecstatic. Michelle's beautiful, white teeth didn't have one cavity because she took care of them.

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