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Story Champs: Story 16 Side A and B

Box 1: Saturday morning Lily was eating cereal in the living room.

Box 2: Lily dropped her bowl of cereal on the clean carpet.

Box 3: She was worried because she got cereal on the carpet. It was a big mess.

Box 4: Lily straightaway told her mom about the calamity because she needed help right then. Then Lily's mom declared, "You shouldn't be eating in here. Let's hurry and clean it up."

Box 5: After they cleaned up the cereal, Lily never ate in the living room again.

Box 1: Saturday morning Lily was eating cereal in the living room.

Box 2: When the cat jumped on Lily's lap, she dropped her bowl of cereal that was full.

Box 3: She was worried because she got cereal on the clean carpet. Lily gauged the soaking wet carpet.

Box 4: She looked it over and thought about hiding the sticky sopping mess, but then decided to get help. She swiftly told her mom about the catastrophe because she couldn't clean it by herself. Then Lily's mom said, "Let's hurry and clean up this really big mess."

Box 5: After they cleaned up the cereal, Lily never ate in the living room again. Lily was pleased because she got her mom's help and cleaned up the disaster.

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